Cost Saving Benefits of Purchasing a Quarter

Cost Saving Benefits of Purchasing a Quarter

Did you know that when you purchase a quarter of beef that you can save over $400 compared to buying the same amount of meat as individual cuts? If you were to purchase approximately 40lbs of ground beef, 4-6 of each steak (tenderloin, ribeye, sirloin, new York) and 1 of each roast (Cross Rib, Sirloin Tip, Chuck, Rump) individually you could expect to pay over $1100. Depending on the size of the animal at the time of harvest, your quarter of beef will only cost you between $700-$800. Having a quarter of beef in your freezer is convenient. You won’t need to remember to place an order or run to the grocery store to pick up protein-packed ingredients It also helps you to lock in the price. With the beginning of this winter being dry, spring of 2024 could bring the fourth year of drought. With the continuation of the drought, feed prices will continue to rise, causing cattle and beef prices to rise. By stocking your freezer now with a quarter, you can avoid the increasing prices. 
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