Vaccines, Antibiotics, and Hormones, Oh My!

Vaccines, Antibiotics, and Hormones, Oh My!

When it comes to vaccines, antibiotics and hormones we make choices to prioritize the health of our herd. We strongly believe in being transparent with consumers and that if something that we do on our farm does not line up with your values that there are many farms producing beef in many ways and hope that you can find one that produces beef in line with your values.

  • Vaccines – we vaccinate our calves with a vaccine that covers eight different blood diseases that affect cattle. These diseases are highly contagious and have high mortality rates. In our opinion, prevention is the best form of treatment.
  • Antibiotics – we limit antibiotic use to an as-needed basis only. If an animal is sick, we will give it antibiotics to treat symptoms and allow the animal to recover. If an animal does become sick and is given antibiotics, they are removed from our butcher program.
  • Hormones – Hormones naturally occur in all living creatures. So yes, our cattle are raised with the use of hormones – like all cattle are! But we don’t add any hormones to our cattle.

And as always, if you ever have a question about how grass-fed, grass-finished beef is raised on our farm, we strongly encourage you to reach out and ask!

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